Terms of use

Company information :

The website www.sateco.fr is supplied by SATECO company

Phone : +33 (0)
Mail : info@sateco.fr

RCS : POITIERS B 327 180 493
CODE APE : 2892Z
SIRET : 327 180 493 00014
Intracommunity VAT number : FR 43 327 180 493

Design, creation, graphics, date hosting :

Axelles Digital Company

27 rue du Calvaire  - 44 000 Nantes - Phone. :  02 46 65 56 38

The website is hosted on the platform NFrance Conseil à Toulouse.

1. Personal informations

Toute personne dispose d'un droit d'accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données qui la concerne (article 34 de la loi "Informatique et Libertés" du 6 janvier 1978). Pour exercer ce droit d'accès, vous pouvez vous adresser à : SATECO - 86110 MIREBEAU -Phone : +33 (0) - Mail : info@sateco.fr

For the right running of the website, cookies can be deposited on the customers' site and shall not be in any way exploited for commercial purposes.

For more information on the "Data Protection Act", please download the CNIL website.

2 - Responsibilty

All the information accessible on this website is provided just like it is. SATECO gives no guarantee, expressed or implied, and shall not be liable whatsoever for any use of this information. SATECO reserves the right to change at any time the information by updating the website.

SATECO is not responsible :
- neither for the accuracy, the mistakes, the ommissions on this website. The user is the only responsible for the use of such information,
- nor for any damage whatsoever, direct or indirect, coming from an information from this website,
- nor for any website disruption.

The user agrees not to provide on this site any information that could involve civil or criminal liability and commit himself not to reveal through this site any illegal, contrary to public order or defamatory information.

3 - Link to other websites

External websites having a hyperlink with SATECO website are not under Sateco control. Sateco thus declines any responsibility regarding their contents.
The user is the only responsible of their use. The creation of hyperlinks towards SATECO website must be subject to the prior approval of SATECO.

4 - Copyright

The information on this website can be downloaded, reproduced, printed subject to personal use, not to modify them.

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